Anne's Blog
Earth Day Every Day….
I don’t believe there is or has been any group that cares about the earth MORE than John Denver Fans!! Now, I don’t want to start any arguments (lol) but in my opinion, the number of people inspired to be aware of the environment by John Denver is much larger...
Unintentional Benefits…..
During our recent visit to the Manatee Park in Ft. Meyers, Florida, I was reminded that sometimes humans help animals without planning to. I’m not talking about rescues or programs, just plain old human activities that benefit animals without even trying. ...
How John Deutschendorf Became John Denver
Randy Sparks passed away this past February 11, 2024, at the age of 90. Randy was a colorful and influential person in the Folk Music Industry. He was also very personable and approachable, and he LOVED to tell stories. One of the stories he told us (and...