December 31 is John Denver’s Birthday! He was born in 1943 so today he would have been 79 years old! Here is a video of John at 51. This is one of the best videos made of John at an “older” age (the Wildlife Concert- 2 years before he died) When you watch it, imagine what he would have looked like and sounded like 28 years older!

I know he would still be perfect! To me, John’s voice improved with age, his breath control seemed effortless and his tone mellowed. John shines with confidence and is obviously very comfortable performing for a live audience – something learned from years of experience.

Happy Birthday John Denver!  May your legacy live on and on.

Watch John Denver, 51 years old sing “Take Me Home, Country Roads”

Jim Burton is playing the dobro, Alan Deremo is playing bass. Pat Hawk (Alan’s wife) is singing harmony, Pete Huttlinger on banjo, Chris Nole on piano and Machito Sanchez on drums.

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