The month of January was pretty laid-back for us…..
Because of the Omicron surge, the only concert we had scheduled for January was cancelled. Jim and I mostly cooled our heels at home. We did some yard work and we worked on our taxes.
One thing we DID do, was visit some iconic So Cal tourist spots. We had some friends from Texas come and visit us for a couple of days so we did a lot of tourist-y things with them. One of the places we went to was the Santa Monica pier, a nice place to see the Pacific Ocean and the sunset. Santa Monica is at the end of route 66 – there is a marker there so we dutifully took our photos and continued on.

Today I’m looking at the picture and I notice something is missing. I looked at the picture of each side of the sign… this only the end? Shouldn’t it also be the beginning? The entire route goes all the way from Chicago to California – and it ALSO goes all the way back to Chicago. I think one side of the sign should say “end of the trail” and the other side should say “beginning of the trail…”
It’s very possible that struggle to get back to normal is starting to get to me. It feels like I’m looking at all the signs that say our professional road is at the end, yet I am waiting and hoping that there will be a new beginning here somewhere. A smarter person might have already started something new instead of waiting….jobs are plentiful so I hear, but I’m not ready to say, “Do you want fries with that?” I don’t mean to be depressing, I just want to be smart. If this is the end of the road, I want to find the beginning of the new road instead of languishing at the end of the old one. Languishing does not pay the bills!
Hopefully, the new road leads to more singing, more concerts and less Covid! We begin mid-February in Texas, then on to Florida. Once we get started again I know my spirits will rise, after all, this is just the beginning!
You guys hang in there. Many, including us need to hear your music again. Detra and Bryan Morton, Summerfield NC
Okay Detra and Bryan! We will keep hanging!
Got my ticket for Tomball‼️ See y’all then.
Bless you Betty!! See you soon!
This Covid has a lot of names and the worst one I know is “government control of the people”. This makes your job much more difficult to do and that is a tragedy. I sincerely hope people never forget how much we need people like you to sing our troubles away. Thank you
Hi James, We will keep singing as long as we can pay the bills! Otherwise we will stay at home and watch cable with the rest of the world! (That didn’t sound too depressing, did it?)
Of course the sign should have two sides like that! We must always look at a road not as and ending but that that it is a starting point, too, particularly if they take us towards new adventures, and (for us) more concerts, going to shows and doing things we love again like seeing old friends and meeting new ones! Personally, I think both “ends” of Route 66 should also have signs on the reverse side saying it is the beginning, too. I am kind of surprised it doesn’t. Maybe I’ll say something some time! We have a small Route 66 museum here in town (the route goes through Normal, IL). I think you are super smart, Anne! Let’s start a trend!
Lol Aileen – I don’t think I’ve ever been accused of being super smart!!!
I am looking forward to seeing you in Florida for my birthday celebration March 4. It has been too long since we saw you last. We missed you, Anne, on the Panama Canal cruise in January 2020, but we spent quality time with Jim and Diane. Since then I have recovered from cancer and two bouts with COVID. Doing well and hope you are also.
Hi James – I finally get the chance to see you since I missed you on the Panama Canal! Stay well until then!
J & A–You two and your traveling troupe are certainly talented entertainers in your own right, however, it is the perpetuation of the memory and music of John Denver that we consider your primary mission and purpose. We pray you never give up on that cause. Thanks again. T&K
Hi Tom and Kathy, we are going to continue to honor John as long as we can. It’s up to the ticket buyers now – in general, sales are low which adversely affects the concert halls. People need to feel safe to come out to shows. We will see what happens in Florida this month.
We need you! Don’t every forget how much your concerts lift us up. I belong to a ukulele group that meets every Monday on Zoom. We have people who live in Utah, Los Angeles and Mexico that join us.
This Monday we are doing a John Denver tribute. I told the group about you and told them to see you when you come to town.
Keep the faith and please please keep on singing.
Hi Deborah! Keep on with your zoom groups! How exciting to have people joining you internationally!! Sounds like fun!
I don’t think things will ever be normal, but they will be better than they are now. Don’t give up. There is nobody who can step in and fill your shoes. We love the music you brought back into our lives, and we love you for doing that for us! Things will get better. Stay safe and healthy.
Diane Moss
Hi Diane, Thanks for the pep-talk! I look forward to things getting better!
Hi Currys. You’ll be back in your usual cheerful mode when you’re on the road again and people relax with less Covid. It was great having you in CO again last Oct. and I hope you enjoyed the JD memorabilia. I’ve seen your shows over 20 times in 3 states;the best were in Aspen of course. Thanks for keeping John’s music alive.! We need you.
Hi Ann! You are right, the more we sing the happier we’ll be! Loved the memorabilia, thank you so much for your love!
Hi Jim and Anne,
Your show last night in Punta Gorda was amazing. I brought a friend who adores JD music and she was blown away. Sorry we couldn’t stay for the meet and greet but it was a long trip home. Thanks for sharing your talent! Keep coming to FL and IL.
Karen Shrader (friend of Ellen and Darryl)
Hi Karen Shrader: Wasn’t that a fun show?! We had such a great time there! All of our Florida shows have been very well attended and the audience is bringing a lot of enthusiasm with them! Sorry to miss seeing you, we’ll be back!
Hope you all get back in our neck of the woods matthews va or even Richmond we still talk about your amazing concert such talented musicians and Jim is John Denver we loved the showcsrnding positive vibes your way from one of your biggest fans in Virginia
Hi Jackie Brown! Thank you for your encouragement! We feel those positive vibes!
Absolutely loved the John Denver concert here in Sarasota FL!!!
Hi Patricia! We had a wonderful time in Sarasota, GREAT audience!! Thanks for attending!