My friend Ann posted last month on the blog page that I’ll be in my usual cheerful mode when I get back on the road again, and of course she is 100% correct! All this month we have been doing concerts and making new friends.  It’s like the song:

The more we get together, together, together,

The more we get together the happier we’ll be.

‘Cause my friends are your friends and your friends are my friends,

So the more we get together the happier we’ll be!

All I have to do is scroll through my facebook pictures for a few seconds to be reminded of how many smiling faces we have met, and how many fun adventures we have had. So many!

Sorry if I missed anybody, this was just a few seconds of scrolling and a small sample of the fun that we’ve had over the years!

Sharing music and making friends is an important part of living the human experience and something we all need to try to do to be healthy and happy.

You all know that….thank you for reminding me!!